Thursday, February 17, 2011


I'm still around!

I hope you are all surviving February and had a nice Valentine's Day.

We survived the big blizzard on Feb 2. That was A LOT of snow! The kids had a great time with two snow days and the sun shining the afternoon of the 1st. The kids all played in the snow while parents dug and snow blew. DH took the kids to the college basketball game here that night - I wasn't feeling so well, but they got in free because they didn't have enough staff to mandate ticket checks and parking. AND - (I know I'm going to take crap from my siblings for this one...) they were picked as the family of the night. They got a bunch of free stuff from one of the pizza places here.

I went down with vertigo the Thursday after the snow (probably why I wasn't feeling well all that week) and spent all of Thursday, Friday & Saturday on the couch. DH told me I wouldn't have passed any sobriety tests that day. I was up and around a little on Sunday but rested most of that day too. I was back to my old self by mid week last week. Just in time to get ready for...

a BIRTHDAY PARTY! Oy! DD's friend party was this past Sunday. It was fun but we had 10 6 and 7 year olds here with movies, popcorn and candy. They were crazy! I'm actually a little surprised that the police didn't get called. Now we're getting ready for party #2 (grandparents) but that should be a little more low-key affair. And HOPEFULLY the police won't get called for that party! :-)

The snow is melting, the river is high and there's a slight smell of spring in the air. Ahhhh!!!! I wonder how long this will last.

Hope you're all well!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Real quick

It's been a long, not real fun week for me. I will update more when I'm feeling better. :)