Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Letters

Dear Friday,
Hello my friend!
Dear Holiday Weekend,
Let me get through work on Saturday then make Sunday & Monday slow and leisurely.
Dear Blogger Friends,
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am hoping to get caught up on my blog reading and commenting.
Dear Huskies,
That's one win - a great start to the football season!

Dear Cubs, year! However, I may win my bet this year over your record (thanks!).

Dear Bears,
Preseason is not making it look like a good season. I hope you're saving the "good stuff"!
Dear New School Year,
I'm so glad you have arrived again!
Dear Bag of Yarn,
I plan to make some time to work with you this weekend.
Dear Camera,
You will not defeat me! You and I have a date!!!!
Dear Mr.,
Thank you for letting me vent and cry. I wouldn't have made it through this week without you!
Dear Mother Nature,
How about a nice weekend?
What are your plans for the weekend?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Crochet projects

I have had my hooks flying this weekend. I finished two projects, small ones, but they're done.

I made these for my aunt's granddaughter who is due to arrive in October.

I made this headband for Lil Miss to match her 1st day of school outfit.

Now I have to finish the blanket I'm knitting as a test for a designer. I will post pictures when it's complete.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Blog tour - Fetch

I am participating in a book tour today (my first....thanks Kathy!) for:
I Am a Reader Blog Tour  Make sure you check out her blog!

by  Adam Glendon Sidwell

Genre: Children's Fiction

Book Summary:

A story for anyone who's ever been loved by a dog or given one a home.

At least nine sunsets away, there is a place where dogs can do what they want. But they are not all the same, and when a special one has the courage to fly, he finds something unexpected beyond the tenth horizon.

My Thoughts: 
I really enjoyed this book! It's a wonderful, colorful children's book about dogs and love.
I loved the carefree, fun dogs in the story. The illustrations are beautiful.
My 10 Year Old's Thoughts:

Really cute book about loving a dog.
I recommend it!

5 out of 5 stars

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Literary Junkies-August 2014

Time again for the Literary Junkies link up and twitter chat today! #LiteraryJunkies  
This month we are discussing Lone Wolf by Jodi Piccoult.

I'm linking up at PINK HEELS PINK TRUCK
(Click on the link or the button to the right)

1. What are you reading? Tell us about it!
I am reading Bigger than the Game by Dirk Hayhurst. It is his baseball adventures in MLB (Major League Baseball).

2. Do you read one book at a time, or read multiple books at once?

I usually have a couple of books going at a time.

3. What is the first book that made you fall in love with reading?

Oooo...tough one!
I would have to say probably the Little House books.

4. Do you prefer a physical copy of the book or an electronic version?

I think both formats have their good points. I love holding a physical book in my hands but I love the convenience of just picking up my tablet and going.

5. What are three books currently on your To Be Read list?

Don't Go by Lisa Scottoline
Ladies Night by Mary Kay Andrews
The Girl you Left Behind by Jojo Moyes

What are you reading?

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Please follow my photo blog:

(Bloglovin button has been added)

Don't make me resort to begging....  
I said this is a shameless post!

Thanks! I would appreciate it!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Fun

I have seen this cimmercial a lot lately and it cracks me up everytime!

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tales from the Library, part 10

Last night was an exciting evening at the library!

I have always worried about how big an infero the library would become is there was a fire...

I had been there for about 10 minutes when the fire alarms went off. My co worker had burned her popcorn in the microwave. (Insert giggling here)

They had us evacuate the building. It AMAZES me how hard it is to get people to leave.

So, we all go outside - it was a beautiful evening - and wait for the fire department. We watch them pull up and my co-worker who burned her popcorn explained to them what happened. The looks on their faces were priceless! They ribbed her a little before going in to double check and get the alarm turned off.

We had to wait about 45 minutes outside. The silver lining is:
No one got hurt!
It was nice outside and we got to soak that up.
The cute firemen came to the rescue!

The johnny rain cloud side is:
It smelled pretty bad and probably will for a day or two.

How was your evening?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

6 weeks....

6 more weeks until....

Tuesday nights have been dull!

Season 2 was a big cliffhanger and I'm dying here....

What fall shows are you looking forward to?

Friday, August 08, 2014

Friday Fun-Late Night

Happy Friday!!!!

Let me share a couple of my favorite "late night" TV segments today.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Thursday Books

Two new books by my favorite authors/illustrators are being released this week.

First, my brother illustrated a new children's book, it was released earlier this week. Here's his blog post:   THAT SNEAKY SNAKE SYDNEY. Make sure you check this out!

Second, my friend, Lauren, has a new chic lit book being released this Saturday. Here's her blog post: PIE GIRLS. I've read this,  it's fun!

New books, readers! What could be more fun?!

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Wednesday Words

A couple pins I found on Pinterest.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Happy Monday!

Here's to a good week ahead!

Our weekend went very quickly but it was nice.

Friday night was pretty quiet. 

I worked at the library on Saturday. Construction has begun and wow does it look like a pile of rubble outside! After work, we went to the drive in to see Guardians of the Galaxy. We really enjoyed it, much funnier than we anticipated. 
We would give it 3 1/2 to 4 stars.

Young Mr. Turned 21 yesterday. We went out for breakfast and a nice lunch. The Mr. grilled pork chops and brats last night. All good food!

How was your weekend? What did you do?

Have a happy Monday!

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Why do I blog?

Fair question!

I started blogging a little over 8 years ago. My blog has changed and evolved a lot during that time!

It started as a place for me to keep a record of what we did; where we went; our hobbies and projects and the kids growing up.

It has been all that and more! All those things are here, along with reviews of books, movies and products; links to other blogs and websites and a lot of miscellaneous "stuff". I have made some great friendships with fellow bloggers, that I hope will continue and grow. Thanks to all of you who have been reading for a long time (and there are several of you!).

I hope to keep my blog going for a long time and continue to grow my readership.

If there's a blog you think I should check out, let me know!

PS: our oldest turns 21 today!

Friday, August 01, 2014

Friday Fun - Movie Project

This week's fun is brought to you by my cousin and his friends. They have a movie idea that they are hoping to pitch to movie studios.  Please consider helping to support them (no donation is TOO SMALL!).

Their pitch trailer is on the website (below) - check it out!

Here is the website:
(Ben-I hope I didn't leave out anything TOO important...)