Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Letters

Dear Friday,
Hello my friend!
Dear Holiday Weekend,
Let me get through work on Saturday then make Sunday & Monday slow and leisurely.
Dear Blogger Friends,
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am hoping to get caught up on my blog reading and commenting.
Dear Huskies,
That's one win - a great start to the football season!

Dear Cubs, year! However, I may win my bet this year over your record (thanks!).

Dear Bears,
Preseason is not making it look like a good season. I hope you're saving the "good stuff"!
Dear New School Year,
I'm so glad you have arrived again!
Dear Bag of Yarn,
I plan to make some time to work with you this weekend.
Dear Camera,
You will not defeat me! You and I have a date!!!!
Dear Mr.,
Thank you for letting me vent and cry. I wouldn't have made it through this week without you!
Dear Mother Nature,
How about a nice weekend?
What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. oooooo hope you get all your to-do's ta-done!!! We're just enjoying Colorado. Mountains rock.

  2. We have a 4 day weekend (starting today!!) ... just hanging out with family!! :)

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    We've got a busy Saturday and Sunday but we're hoping to enjoy a movie on Monday and maybe cook something on the grill!

  4. Jen this is cute and I can relate to a few especially the Dear Mr. and Dear Mother Nature. I hope they all grant you your request. :)

  5. What a fun blog post to read! Baby shower tomorrow (Sunday). Other than that, RELAX :)

  6. happy long weekend! enjoy!


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