Monday, August 04, 2014

Happy Monday!

Here's to a good week ahead!

Our weekend went very quickly but it was nice.

Friday night was pretty quiet. 

I worked at the library on Saturday. Construction has begun and wow does it look like a pile of rubble outside! After work, we went to the drive in to see Guardians of the Galaxy. We really enjoyed it, much funnier than we anticipated. 
We would give it 3 1/2 to 4 stars.

Young Mr. Turned 21 yesterday. We went out for breakfast and a nice lunch. The Mr. grilled pork chops and brats last night. All good food!

How was your weekend? What did you do?

Have a happy Monday!


  1. I need to go to the movies soon haha.

  2. Sounds like lovely weekend. I have heard good things about that movie. I didn't catch any movies over the weekend but we went to the Fox Theater (beautiful old theater) and watched Saturday morning cartoons - it was fun.

  3. i went to the movies but saw boyhood. loved it!

  4. I had not heard of that movie until recently but it sounds good! The last movie we saw in a theater was How to Train Your Dragon 2!


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