Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Catch-up Tuesday!

Friday afternoon, the carpet came!!!! It's down and our computer/craft room is functional!!!! WOO HOO!

Saturday, we had friends and their kiddos come to stay for the night. We had a great time and a nice visit. (She's starting to scrapbook too)

Sunday, was parade day! I didn't have my camera - sorry!!!!! DH & I were float judges so we had to be there early and worked with 3 other volunteers to look at them. It was SO windy (40 - 45 mph) and those poor floats were just falling apart! But there was a lot of creativity and time put into some of those and it was fun to be a part of it. We got to our seats a little before the parade started but had to run to get a blanket from the car. As I was heading back to where we were sitting, the color guard was coming through and it stopped me in my tracks to watch down the street as all those people got out of their seats as those flags went by. It made me very proud to live in this country. The parade was fun - the kids loved the bands. It sleeted during the parade. When we got home - it snowed. A lovely taste of winter....

It's been very cold the past couple of days - we had our first hard frost last night. No denying it, it's coming....

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday funny

Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got
to know each other so well, they decided to get married.

One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other the groom broom.

The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress. The groom broom was
handsome and suave in his tuxedo. The wedding was lovely.

After the wedding, at the wedding dinner, the bride-broom leaned over and
said to the groom-broom, 'I think I am going to have a little whisk broom!'

'IMPOSSIBLE !' said the groom broom.

Are you ready for this?

Brace yourself; this is going to hurt!


Oh for goodness sake... Laugh, or at least groan.
Life's too short not to enjoy... Even these silly
....little cute............. And clean jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds to me like she's ....... !
......been ....sweeping around!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A taste of autumn!

The weather has been perfectly fall here lately - 50s and 60s (but pretty cold [33ish] in the mornings). Pumpkin Fest is this weekend and we're hoping for a sunny cool day...

In the meantime, here are some fall pictures I've taken the past week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekend review

It was a productive but WAY too short weekend! Friday night, I scrapped with some friends. I got a few layouts done (pictures to come). It was fun to chat, eat and scrap with others.

Saturday - DH, DS and I all had to work. My mom came and stayed with DD. Apparently, they had a very good time. Saturday night, I started moving stuff out of the back room of our basement to prepare for ceiling work and carpet installation this week. Yes, it was Sweetest Day but we don't do much other than to wish each other a good day. Oh and to DS's delight - Illinois kicked the snot out of Indiana. And to all our delight - our Huskies won their homecoming game!

The almost emptied, painted basement room.....

Running through the leaves!

Sunday - we emptied the back room by 11:30 a.m. Then it was bbq sandwiches for lunch and time for the Bears game. YEA, Bears! Since DD was a little wound up, she & I went out to look for Huskies for a couple of hours so the boys could watch the game. We had a great time and the weather was fabulous! The "castle" building is the oldest building on campus (VERY beautiful inside!) and DD almost fell out of the van gawking at it as we drove by it.


Me: No, it's not a castle. There are no pricesses there. Sorry!

DD: That is SO cool!

Then we went to one of the historic home/parks in town and it was all set up for a wedding. She almost floated out of the van when she saw it.

DD: Are we going to the wedding?

Me: No.

DD: It's so beautiful!

Me; I know.

DD: Are you going to take pictures of the wedding?

Me: Not today. Just pictures of other things.

DD: Do you think we could walk by it?

Me: Yes.

We walked in front of the arch and she was just beaming!

I almost forgot, our "team outing" last Thursday. We had a perfect day - 60 and sunny. We stopped for apple cider donuts and warm cider - mmmm!!!!! THAT'S a breakfast of champions. Then it was off to the corn maze - we had a good time. I learned that giving a simple direction can be interpreted 3 different ways. Funny how everyone communicates just a little different....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday ramblings

Yes, the weekend is JUST around the corner! Hang in there!

DD's daycare class had their open house last night. I love little kids singing! She's such a ham.... Thanks mom & dad for coming.

Today our office is taking a "team building" day. We are headed to a corn maze. The weather should be nice & hopefully I'll get some pictures taken.

The basement is progressing. DH has everything trimmed out and a small wall painted (so we could see how we liked the color - LOVE it!).

I am going to scrapbook with some friends tomorrow night and I'm really excited about it! I hope to get a few layouts done - there's much talking to be done, you know....

Have a good day and I'll catch you up with some pictures soon!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Zoo Day!

We took advantage of an incredibly beautiful day on Sunday and went to the zoo.

Can you find the giraffes? (There are 5!)

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

2 Peas Sunday Challenge & misc stuff

Are you good at remembering dates or do you write them on the back of your pictures?

I'm usually pretty good at a general time frame. If I have a calendar handy (and I try to keep a journal of things we do) then I can look it up. So, remember exactly? NO! :-)
Even though the weather is a bit summerish this weekend - the trees are starting to turn - I can take NO credit for any of the photos in this collage - they were created using flickr. (You can click on it to see it larger)


We watched a couple of movies yesterday/last night.

  • The Prince & Me
  • - it was a cute but predictable romantic comedy.

  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall

  • Don't waste your time and/or money!!!! It was BAD! The only thing we enjoyed about it is it was filmed at the resort we stayed at on Oahu and it was great to see other parts of it!


    Apparently when I changed my template - I lost my link list - hang in there, I will get back to your blog and add it if you were there.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Thanks for stopping by.

    Saturday, October 11, 2008

    Silly hat day

    Apparently last Saturday was "silly hat day" at our house...

    Friday, October 10, 2008

    Week in review & secrets

    Let's see.....

    Saturday - my friend Edith got married. She was a beautiful bride and her groom, John, was very handsome. I wish them many years of happiness and joy! We made it to the reception. Dinner was delicious. We enjoyed some dancing and visiting. Oh, and the Cubs season ended pitifully Saturday night.

    Sunday - we went to Kite Festival for about an hour before the skies really opened up. So we got some lunch and came home. We watched the Bears game. After naps, the sun was out, so we decided to take the kite to the HS and so DS could play some tennis with DH & I - needless to say, I am VERY out of shape!!!!! (DS took this photo)

    Monday - my parents celebrated their 35th anniversary! Congrats and Happy Anniversary!

    Tuesday - we went to the mall after work to finish getting the rest of DD's Halloween costume. It was pretty quiet there and many of the stores had their summer stuff on clearance, so we got DS some new shirts.

    Today - DS went to play disc golf with 6 (yes - 6!) girls from school. He was the only boy. Does this worry a mother? YOU BET!!!!! Bear in mind, this is after he said to me last night (when DH was teasing him about the girl he went to homecoming with not wanting to go out with him again playing hard to get) - "Well if that's how she wants to be, she can go to the back of the line because there's other girls waiting." I almost died laughing! Tonight, he's out with "the guys" for their annual pilgrimage to the local corn maze. They have gone every year for the last 3 or 4 and they have a good time.

    Other than that, it's been a pretty quiet week - thank goodness!

    My blogging friend, Emily, tagged me with "6 Secrets". The "object" is to tell 6 secrets and then tag others. So I will start with tagging anyone who reads this!

    My secrets (don't hold your breath on these):
    1. In high school, I thought I would play piano or keyboards for a rock star.
    2. I have a half-written romance story. My goal is to have it "published" by the end of 2009.
    3. I really love my jobs but...I am somewhat envious of stay-at-home moms/dads. It's one of those things I've never been able to do and probably won't be able to. I hope you know how fortunate you are! :)
    4. I have started watching General Hospital again - thank you, Soap Net!
    5. I try to be the "sophisticated" library employee and read classics and good fiction - but I REALLY enjoy a good trashy romance.
    6. I am a TERRIBLE housekeeper! The floor gets swept and the counters get wiped down regularly, other than laundry - not much else is done on a regular basis. I hate to admit it! My mom raised me much better than that - sorry mom!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Wednesday, October 08, 2008

    Post #350

    Yes, that's right - I've been boring you for that many posts...

    Nothing real exciting so far this week - thank goodness!!!! The wedding was wonderful on Saturday - a beautiful day and a very good looking, happy couple. We went to Kite Fest for about an hour on Sunday before the rain got too heavy. It was fun and DD loved flying her kite and looking at all the others.

    We took DD to the dr this afternoon to have her eye checked. She has a small sty - we are told that warm compresses should drain it. Fun, fun! She's so patient....

    I hope to get some weekend pictures up in the next day or two.

    Hope your week is going well!

    Sunday, October 05, 2008

    Think Pink!

    It's October - National Breast Cancer awareness. I have created these (sorry they're so small but you can click on them to see them bigger) mosaics using some of the pink photos on http://www.flickr.com/ to create them.

    Image hosted @ bighugelabs.com

    Image hosted @ bighugelabs.com

    And NO, I don't want to talk about the Cubs!

    Saturday, October 04, 2008

    Saturday randomness

    Just waiting for the Cubs game tonight....
    I finished a book this week: I loved it - it's the 2nd in a series.
    I actually did a little scrapping last night - I hope to post this weekend, because I'm hoping to get some cards done tonight...
    DH is working hard on the basement - hopefully the computer/craft room will be completed by the middle of November. The bathroom will have to wait...
    My friend, Edith, is getting married today. Unfortunately, due to a schedule mix up at work, I will miss the ceremony but we should JUST make dinner...
    I think that's about it for now. I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Friday, October 03, 2008

    A big, deep hole!

    The Cubs have put themselves in a HUGE hole! 10 - 3?! Seriously! WTH?! They looked like Little Leaguers last night - pitiful.

    So, now they are off to LA and if they lose tomorrow night - it's over. OVER! Do you hear me guys????!!!!!!

    Thursday, October 02, 2008

    Happy October!

    May you have another wonderful month and enjoy some "fall-ish" weather.

    Well, last night's playoff game did NOT go well!!!!!! Mr Dempter (aka: Dumpster) pitched like crap! Excuse me, gentlemen, but you only have so many games before you are DONE for the season!!!! Get with the program. I hope Zambrano pitches better tonight. Oh, and another thing...I have a small wager riding on this series, so get your act together!!!! I do NOT want to wear a Dodgers hat!!!!

    Other than the playoffs, it's been a pretty quiet week. Just work and baseball... The weather is very fall-like. Jackets are needed and the trees are turning.

    I am hoping to get my scrapbooking mojo back soon! I have a layout that's been sitting on the table, unfinished, for 2 weeks now. I walk by it frequently but just look at it and can't seem to "make it work". My goal is to sit down Friday night and work on some cards and hopefully a layout or two.

    It's Thursday and there's only 2 days left in the work week! Woo hoo!!!!

    Have a great rest of the week!