Sunday, October 12, 2008

2 Peas Sunday Challenge & misc stuff

Are you good at remembering dates or do you write them on the back of your pictures?

I'm usually pretty good at a general time frame. If I have a calendar handy (and I try to keep a journal of things we do) then I can look it up. So, remember exactly? NO! :-)
Even though the weather is a bit summerish this weekend - the trees are starting to turn - I can take NO credit for any of the photos in this collage - they were created using flickr. (You can click on it to see it larger)


We watched a couple of movies yesterday/last night.

  • The Prince & Me
  • - it was a cute but predictable romantic comedy.

  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall

  • Don't waste your time and/or money!!!! It was BAD! The only thing we enjoyed about it is it was filmed at the resort we stayed at on Oahu and it was great to see other parts of it!


    Apparently when I changed my template - I lost my link list - hang in there, I will get back to your blog and add it if you were there.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Thanks for stopping by.


    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Hi Jen - gorgeous photo's hun. Hope all is well with you and the family - good to catch up with you :D

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Love the photos!

    3. Check this out! I now have a Blogger identity instead of Anonymous!


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