Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Post #350

Yes, that's right - I've been boring you for that many posts...

Nothing real exciting so far this week - thank goodness!!!! The wedding was wonderful on Saturday - a beautiful day and a very good looking, happy couple. We went to Kite Fest for about an hour on Sunday before the rain got too heavy. It was fun and DD loved flying her kite and looking at all the others.

We took DD to the dr this afternoon to have her eye checked. She has a small sty - we are told that warm compresses should drain it. Fun, fun! She's so patient....

I hope to get some weekend pictures up in the next day or two.

Hope your week is going well!


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Hope Sara feels better soon!

    Can't wait to see the photos.

  2. I tagged you on my blog with a hard but fun challenge!

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend especially the kite fest. I've never been to one, but imagine it's beautiful to see. :)


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