Thursday, May 05, 2016

Thursday 13 - Apps

I am linking up for another Thursday 13 party. I hope you will stop over and read some blogs or join in!

My 13 today are:
My favorite apps

I have an old ipad and an iphone. I use some apps regularly - I've been trying to get rid of the ones I don't.

Kindle - I read a lot (obviously) and love finding books to add to this app.

Overdrive - I love that this links to my local library and I can borrow a book for 3 weeks.

Slotomania - Virtual slot machines, it's a great time killer

Solitaire Chronicles - I like all the card formations I have to work out of.

Fairway Solitaire - another solitaire game.

Instagram - I love sharing and seeing what other share here. I have 2 accounts, my personal is @cubsfan3410 and my photography is @photosbyjenmcgee

Twitter  - I find myself here more and more.

Pages - I like keeping my business Facebook page updated here.

Weather Channel - I like to know what the day is going to do...

Project Life - I recently found this. I like having the ability to do some quick scrapbook pages and be able to take it with me.

Shutterfly - Photo storage and I can order/make things on the fly

Podcasts - I love listening to podcasts. Right now I am enjoying: Wait Wait Don't Tell Me; Satellite Sisters; Thrilling Adventure Hour; Serial just ended; and a couple of photography ones.

Amazon - I like shopping on the go.

What apps do you like?


  1. What app do you watch podcasts from or is that an app in of itself/ I have Instragram but don't use it cause I still operate from my desktop and use a camera. I signed up for Twitter but couldn't figure out how to post.

  2. I actually don't use any apps. My T13

  3. I just picked up information on how to use overdrive at my local library. I am looking forward to seeing how it works.

    I like the Microsoft card games, though the new ones on WIndows 10 are not as good.

  4. Oh my gosh, I love my Kindle app as well for those times that I can sneak in a couple of pages while waiting for something/someone. :)

  5. Fairway Solitaire is so fun!!

  6. Oh my! I have so many! Yours are great! My favorite has to be Waze. Even though I have a gps in my car, this gives me a heads up if the police are up ahead and construction woes. Gives me an alternative route if needed and is updated on the spot.
    Lumosity daily-trying to stay smart as I age (wink-wink).
    Words With Friends.
    Crazy Kitchen
    Fairway Solitaire IS fun!
    Pic TapGo (can use multiple filters..yay)
    Simple Transfer (to get photos on my computer a.s.a.p.)
    Ease Into 5k
    ...the list goes on and on :)


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