Monday, May 02, 2016

Weekend's over...

Happy May!

This weekend FLEW by! The weather was crummy - it rained all day on Saturday. It rained yesterday from about 5:00 and on. So... There you go!

Today I'm linking up with B Loved Boston for her weekend recap party. Pop on over and read some awesome blogs!

I came home to find some fun mail from a fellow photographer friend... This super cute shopping bag. LOVE it!!!!
We ordered pizza then had dessert with some friends at their house.
I started a new book at bedtime.
I am loving it so far!

My Mr. and Young Mr. went to work for a little while in the morning. Then we headed out for a few hours of "errands".
We had lunch at Chick Fil A then because I had received this email a few days before...

I took my own bag and went shopping. Confession time here: I can not dress myself. My Mr. picks out what I should try on and buy. He put together a few super cute outfits and I can't wait for it to warm up just a hair so I can wear them! Little Miss also found a couple of shirts and a new wallet.
My haul for $75

When we got home, the boys went back to work. I did some Project Life layouts

They got home late and we all crashed out early.

Mr. & I went for about a 4 mile walk around town. I enjoy our walks - we talk sometimes and sometimes we don't. It's nice to just hold hands and walk.

Other than that, we took naps and didn't do much else all day. I watched the Cubs lose in extras...

Meanwhile, in the ongoing "I want to dye my hair" saga. I have finally agreed she can use hair chalk now & then. It washes out in 1 or 2 shampoos and isn't as harmful as color. She is pacified for now...

How was your weekend?
What did you do?

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