Monday, June 08, 2015

How was your weekend?

Happy Monday!!!!!

As usual, the weekend went WAY too fast!  It was a pretty good one though.

Friday night, we all went to see our community theater's production of SPAMALOT. Hi-freaking-larious! They did a FANTASTIC job! The kids asked if we could go again - I guess they enjoyed it too. Little Miss has been 'farting in your general direction' since Saturday morning. (Yeah, we're THAT classy family)

We all worked on Saturday, then watched The Wedding Ringer with Kevin Hart Saturday night. I love him but didn't have real high expectations for the movie. It was pretty darn funny!

Yesterday was rainy, rainy, rainy. BUT I managed to get out with my brother's family for a quick shoot between the showers/downpours and got a few good shots. (to be posted soon) Then it was grocery shopping (BLECH!) - does anyone else hate that task as much as I do?! I would rather scrub toilets. Then naps and relaxing.

How was your weekend?
What are your plans for this week?


  1. I want to see The Wedding Ringer. I'm waiting for my husband to return home from his deployment and then we will!

  2. sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I haven't been to the movies in so long.

  3. Sounds like a good weekend. & I too like to "fart in your general direction". Tee hee! Too funny! :)

    Mandie ~


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