Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy Monday!

We're halfway through June. WHAT?! This month is flying right by too. The Blackhawks try to win the Stanley Cup tonight - we'll see what happens.

Let me recap our weekend quick:

Friday, the Mr. and Young Mr. (they work together) worked late so Little Miss and I just hung out at home - started some housework and laundry.

Saturday, we all sat around until about 10 then decided to get going on the things we should have been going on about 2 hours earlier. So, Little Miss and I headed to a garage sale that had "teen clothes" listed and the Mr.'s headed to a job. Little Miss found a couple of tops and a scarf she loved.  We all headed together to run errands in the afternoon. Lunch at Chick-fil-a; a little resale shop shopping; Menards and home again.

The resale/consignment shopping...went well! For about $100 I got two Dooney & Bourke bags; 2 skirts (1 was a brand new Calvin Klein) and Ann Taylor pants with no wear on them at all!  I will return again!
 The tale of the pants: I went primarily to get black & khaki dress pants. I had tried on AT LEAST 10 pairs of black pants and none of them fit right. The Mr. brought me this pair and it was Cinderella trying on the glass slipper - PERFECT fit! New pants for me.
Sunday, Little Miss and I cleaned out her closet. And did we clean it out!!!!!  We took 7 (yes SEVEN) full garbage bags of clothes that were too small; she didn't like; didn't want to Goodwill.  The four of us went out to see one of the Mr's customers (nothing like some quality reading time while he met with them); went to Menards; got the kids new bath towels (and trying to get a 22 year old and an 11 year old to agree...); shower curtain and bath mat; got Little Miss rubbermaid containers for her closet and room (still in the process of organizing them).
Mr. and Young Mr. headed back to work and Little Miss and I attacked her room again and got the bathroom "re-done".
Before (yes, the shower curtain is torn and the towels are probably 6 or 7 years old):
It's not much different but it's freshened up a bit.
How was your weekend? What did you do?
PS: If you want to read some fun blogs, check these few out:
Have a great Monday!


  1. What a busy weekend. I really need to sit with my youngest & clean out her closet as well. She's growing like a damn weed & has some Justice giftcards that she's dying to use. So, that will have to be on the agenda to take care of sometime soon.

    Mandie ~

  2. Hey congrats on the Blackhawks win! :)

  3. That game was awesome! I stayed up just to watch it and then the news to see what downtown looked like! And great job on shopping!!!! My Mom is obsessed with D&B and I would be too if I could afford it, OR find great deals like you did!!!!


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