Friday, June 12, 2015


June 12, 2015

Dear Blogging Friends,

When I started this blog 9 years and 1300+ posts ago (WOW, that long!!!!), I didn't let many people into it and I didn't really know where it would go. I used it to keep little reminders of what we'd done and little anecdotes. Over time, I have shared my blog with others and I feel like I have a nice little following now.
I have had lulls in posting and some marathon posting stretches. I have posted random, rambling posts. I have posted photos; book reviews; news events and linked up with many others over the years. I have shared a lot of my life here.
I've had readers/commenters come and go and lots of blogging friends that no longer blog. I appreciate all my readers and their comments over the years.
I have enjoyed the blogs I have read and the blogs I still read. I enjoy sharing in your lives; your fashion and beauty tips; your reviews; your social commentary and every little thing. Thank you for sharing your blogs with me!
Blogging has led me to make many connections I never would have made otherwise. I have enjoyed my friendships, no matter how long or short they have been.
I plan to continue blogging for a long time and hope that I continue to have visitors and readers while this blog exists.
THANK YOU for reading.
THANK YOU for commenting.
THANK YOU for your friendship.



  1. Happy blogiversary!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!!! I have so enjoyed your blog and getting to know you. :)

  3. 9 years!! That is SO fantastic!!!

  4. Happy Blogiversary !

  5. Happy happy blogiversary! Hope you enjoyed celebrating your 9 years and wishing you many more.


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