Wednesday, June 03, 2015


Happy Wednesday!  I'm linking up today with Jodi and Rachel for another edition of What I'm Loving Wednesday.  Feel free to join up too!

I'm loving:

*My photography calendar is slowly filling for the summer.

*I'm reading a great book and there are a few more on the stack next to my chair.

*The weather is getting nicer.

*That Little Miss and I had some great "girl time" with friends over the weekend. (Including my photog friend and her girls)

*More parking lot lunches are appropriate these days
*That more friends (IRL and blogging) are taking their vacations so I get to "arm chair travel" with them.
What are you loving?


  1. Such fun pictures. Loving having summer plans.

  2. Those are great pictures! What a fun group of girls. I've been a reading machine lately too. I love it!

  3. Glad your photography schedule is filling up for the summer! That is great news! I wish you lived closer so you could take head shots for me!

  4. That's awesome about the photography schedule filling up! :) I'm also reading a great book and hope to get some reading time in this weekend!!

    Thanks for linking up!

  5. I'm loving that you introduced me to this linkup! Ha! I did my first one yesterday. :)

    Mandie ~


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