Sunday, August 03, 2014

Why do I blog?

Fair question!

I started blogging a little over 8 years ago. My blog has changed and evolved a lot during that time!

It started as a place for me to keep a record of what we did; where we went; our hobbies and projects and the kids growing up.

It has been all that and more! All those things are here, along with reviews of books, movies and products; links to other blogs and websites and a lot of miscellaneous "stuff". I have made some great friendships with fellow bloggers, that I hope will continue and grow. Thanks to all of you who have been reading for a long time (and there are several of you!).

I hope to keep my blog going for a long time and continue to grow my readership.

If there's a blog you think I should check out, let me know!

PS: our oldest turns 21 today!


  1. Blogging has been such an amazing thing for me. :)

  2. Me too!!! I just love doing it. Sometimes well sometimes not. But its mine. I enjoy reading yours - I like getting different perspectives. Keep on!!!

  3. Blogging has really made a positive impact on my life.
    And how do you have a 21 year old?! You look like you need to be carded yourself!

  4. How did i not know you had a near 21 year old! Wow! Glad you've been blogging :)


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