Saturday, June 27, 2009

A week has passed....

YIKES! Sorry!

It hasn't been real exciting but ....

We went to the drive in last weekend - we saw UP (very cute!) and LAND OF THE LOST (2 hours of my life I will never get back). There was a family that came in a '50s convertible - VERY cool! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Father's Day!

The weather has been HOT this week!!!! It looks it should be cooler in the coming week. YEA!!!!

So it was a rough week for Hollywood - Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. May they all rest in peace.

I got a little scrapping done last night and hope to get a couple more layouts done before the weekend ends...

Have a great one! Thanks for stopping by.


  1. The drive-in! I wish we still had one here. I remember going to see Superman as a kid at the drive-in with my mom & dad...after the little intro cartoon I was out cold sleeping! What a fun memory for you and your kids...and thanks for the movie review!

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Gee, maybe the drive in would be a good place for Dad and I to go this weekend!

  3. I just love to go to the drive-in. Up was a great movie, haven't seen Land of the Lost but heard it was pretty crude and not to take the kiddos.

  4. This is so funny - while at the beach, we went to see UP - really enjoyed that movie. Then my nephew persuaded everyone (much to the dismay of my teenagers) to go see LAND OF THE LOST and our reaction was exactly the same - "2 hours of our lives we'll never get back" and "there went some brain cells we'll never regain."


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