Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Movies on “Monday”

 I know it’s Tuesday but I feel like I’m running behind on everything these days. Here are a couple of movies we have watched on Disney+ lately.

This was a fun Halloween Disney themed special. If you like the Muppets and/or the Haunted Mansion attraction, I highly recommend this one.
4 out of 5 stars

Black Widow is a mixed bag for how our family thought about this one. I think the general consensus is that it is overhyped. 
I won’t rate this because I’m not sure how to.

Side note: I am over all the Marvel movies, I feel like they’re being overdone at this point.

What have you watched lately?

Friday, October 01, 2021

Book Review-Pink

I enjoyed this book a lot. It’s romantic suspense set during the holidays. I enjoyed reading Charlotte and Ethan’s story come to life. They understand each other on a deep level and it added a great element to their relationship.

This has a great storyline, intriguing characters and mystery. I highly recommend this book.


Thank you to the author and Kate Rock Lit tours for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Happy reading!