Saturday, August 25, 2007


This August has not been like any I remember in a LONG time! It is usually hot and DRY, not this year! Our town and several others around are under water. We, fortunately, still have a dry basement and yard (as in no standing water). The river is across the street and is creeping into our neightbors' yards. It is sad to see the houses under water.

We have had about 14" of rain in the last 2 1/2 weeks. Trees are starting to fall over because the ground is so wet.

We're just hanging on for the ride and hoping it doesn't get any worse!


  1. I've been thinking about you guys with all the rain! My parents near Milwaukee have been ok, but I know that a lot of areas are hit so hard with water and flooding right now! I hope it dries out a little for you guys! :)

  2. Wow!! Be safe. Keep us posted. HUGS!

  3. wow!!! I hope your basement stays dry!!


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