Tuesday, September 18, 2007

So much for the quiet evening...

Sara took a face dive onto the blacktop at school yesterday. The quiet evening I had planned at home for tonight, will now be spent at Pearle Vision replacing the scratched lens on her glasses. Can you tell I'm excited???? She got a few little scratches on her nose and forehead and her glasses bruised the bridge of her nose but she's ok.

It was fall here but it has suddenly warmed up. Mid 80s yesterday and more of the same today. Ummm, hello? I'm ready for fall. I said FALL NOT winter!!!!!!!!!!

My Cubbies are going to give me a heart attack. I wish they would just win and win big, none of this heart attack 9th inning stuff...ugh! Milwaukee needs to lose all their games this week and the Cubs need to win all theirs. We are off to the game on Sunday and hoping for a win!

Hope you all are having a great week!

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