I guess all that's left to update on is Memorial Day weekend...
Friday, we went into the city to have dinner with my sis and brother in law. Despite the 3 hour (it should have been a little over an hour) trip - love Chicago area traffic. :) Anyway, we arrived safely, took the El (made DD's night! - she's still talking about it) and walked a couple of blocks to "Piece" - yummy pizza!!!!!! Thanks, A & D for a fun evening and good company. DD's favorite part, of course was the "train ride" and the "shoe store" (we just walked by one and I thought she was going to wet her pants with excitement...girls...)
Saturday was pretty quiet - we picked up DD's glasses, DS had an orientation for his cruise with my in laws next month, and I worked at the library in the afternoon. I use the word "work" very loosely - it was VERY dead in there so I managed to finish the book I was reading - time well spent....
Sunday we went to the zoo with some friends. It was a GORGEOUS day! Sunny, mid-70s. The animals were out and playing. The zoo was packed! (Zoo pictures to come in a few days...) We spent the night at a hotel about 15 minutes from the zoo. We had dinner at Ed Debevic's, then went back to the hotel to relax.
Monday we had breakfast and swam in the pool for a while. We checked out by 11 and headed our separate ways. We swung by Archivers (oh I love their $1.99 spot!) and picked up some embellishments. We picked up McD's on the way home for lunch and crashed after we ate. DH & DS went to go see the new Indiana Jones movie - they weren't real excited about it.
I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend!
that sounds like a lovely memorial day!
ReplyDeleteOMG You are sooo teaching her already about shoes.. bad you :)