Saturday, September 25, 2010

WOW! part 2

A little lesson that was reaffirmed for me last night - don't ever say that a person with a disability can't do something!

DD, a friend of mine and I went to see our local children's theater production of Annie. It was done under the "PENGUIN PROJECT" (click the link to learn more)where children with disabilities are paired with a mentor who helps them with their role. These kids were AMAZING!!!! I really can not even put it into words! Their disabilities ranged from several different syndroms, blindness, epilepsy... and they put their WHOLE beings into the performance. By the time that show was over, I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. The chairman of the theater company said it best before the show started that "there was enough magic in the show to make Harry Potter jealous". AMEN!!!!! It was SO fantastic - the actors AND the mentors!

We can't wait for the next "Penguin Project"!


  1. Hi Jen - thanks so much for visiting - hope you and family are all well and having a fab w/e

  2. that sounds wonderful! What an inspiring program!

  3. That sounds absolutely inspiring! I'll have to check out your link!! Thanks!

  4. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I will check it out, too. Did Sara like the production?

  5. Sara LOVED the production! She was crying at the end and said "I LOVED it!" :)


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