Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I've been neglectful of my blog - sorry! Christmas is quickly approaching and I believe I am actually almost ready!

I finished my hubby's afghan in November. Much to mine (and his) delight. It's nice to have that off my knitting needles.

After MANY years of crocheting, I finally made my first granny square. Who knew they were THAT easy? Not me - but a future project is brewing...
Winter has definately shown itself around here this month! Cold, snow and wind. Nothing like a Midwestern winter. :)

I hope you & yours have a VERY joyous Christmas!


  1. Kudos to you! My friend gave me yard, crochet hooks, and some instructions last Christmas. I've made only about 8 squares. I just can't seem to do anything ELSE while I crochet ... and my life is all about multi-tasking. It probably doesn't help that it's a sampler, so I have to learn a new "stitch" for each square! LOL! Good job!

  2. Wow! Those pictures don't do justice to the size of the afghan, but that's a mammoth project and it looks great!

    Granny squares are the only thing I *can* crochet. I make really big ones with knitting project leftovers and give them as baby blankets.


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