Sunday, December 03, 2006


I am excited for Christmas! I really am! The house is decorated, I'm playing Christmas music, watching Christmas movies and am actually looking forward to a little shopping. Amazing what getting out of retail can do!

We all had a snow day on Friday. It was crazy! DH cleared the driveway at 3 p.m. then when the plows FINALLY came through - they snowed us in again - THANKS!!!!!!!!!! (insert eye roll here) So, yesterday morning, he was out there trying to get through the ice that USED to be snow. Love winter.... I did, however, make a great homemade chicken soup and bread for dinner. I got MOST of my Christmas cards ready to mail out. However, the mail hasn't been out in 2 days now...

I am hoping to get myself back on track with my work outs this week. Someone give me a kick in the pants - Thanksgiving has caught up with me!

I will add pictures of our decorations soon! Have a wonderful week!


  1. Fun fun fun Jen!!
    I can't believe how much snow some people got and here I am on the border of WI/MN and we have NO snow!
    I'm certainly not complaining though! lol

    I would love to see your tree and decorations, we haven't done ours yet :(

  2. I need to get a bit "un-scrooged".

  3. I can definitely sympathize with needing to get back into post-turkey day workouts. At least you have weather for an excuse--it's been uncharacteristically warm here all weekend and I still haven't mangaged it! :) Enjoy the Christmas is simply the best. :) We just put up our tree last night, but decorating will be tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    No snow here yet but we had flooding and then ice! Now it is just cold! I want snow!! lol! Thanks for the e-card!

  5. Wonderful! Sounds like you have Christmas Spirit enough for the bunch of us... I am not decorating this year.. so you can be the Spirit of Christmas LOL

    Get back on that work out track.. you know you want to!! LOL

  6. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Oh gosh. I wish we had snow here, if for no other reason than to justify how freakin' cold it is in VEGAS! I miss Tahoe.

  7. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Yeah for being unscrooged!!!

    I am officailly kicking you in the pants! Kick me back please!


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