Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I dare you....

Watch this and tell me you don't laugh....


A new book!

My friend, Edith, has written her second book. It is an historical romance. I enjoyed both of hers.
I hope you'll check it out!

Delivering Fate

Have a great week!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday gratitudes

1. My family and friends
2. Spring is here
3. The flowers and trees are blooming and greening
4. Fun music
5. Scrapbooking
6. A book that makes me laugh
7. Garage sales
8. Andy Griffith show reruns :D

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Scrapbooking Challenges

I hope you'll check out: Sisterhood of Scrap
They have a group of FANTASTIC "Sock Hop" challenges - so put on your bobby socks and hop on over. I have posted my creations, so far at my other blog Challenge U 2. I hope you'll join in the fun!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend scrapping

Yes - I actually got some scrapping done. I went to a crop on Friday night and that got me started. These are all from our 07 Disney World trip where we met my brother and his family.
And I'm one of those "bad" scrappers who doesn't keep track of what supply companies I use when I do my layouts....
(You can click on them to make them bigger if you want to see any of the details
"Triceratop Spin"
"Expedition Everest"
"I Scream U Scream"
"You Sir!"
A transition page to MGM
"Sites of MGM"
"After Much Discussion..."
I hope you all had a great weekend - and a wonderful upcoming week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Ok - sorry (ok, ok - I'm not REALLY sorry!)...but this has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a while....
Chia Obama

You can click on the "TV spot" link to check out the commercial.

I heard the radio spot yesterday - it starts out SO serious then you hear it...."ch-ch-ch-chia". I seriously almost fell out of my chair at work laughing!

Ch-ch-ch-cheers, Mr. President!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday gratitudes

Lowe's, Illinos, April, 2007

I am grateful that sprintime weather is finally here!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

May you have a wonderful day! God bless!

Thursday, April 09, 2009


The Cubs are off to a good start. They left Houston, having won the series! :D They are 2 - 1. All I ask is that they win each series!!!!!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Monday gratitudes

Since I don't like Mondays as a general rule, I will list my gratitudes for today.

1. My husband & kids
2. My family
3. My friends
4. Opening day
5. Caramel chocolate bars
6. My crafty projects
7. Day trips with my family

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 05, 2009


Some digi-scrapping from Friday evening.
Have a great week!

Saturday, April 04, 2009


It's going to be ok - it's still pre-season. The Cubs lost to the Yankees last night (at the new Yankee Stadium). BUT - it's pre-season! (I just hate the Yankees....)

The REAL season starts on Monday!

Friday, April 03, 2009


Boy - has it been a week! I am SO glad it's almost over!!!!! I hope you all had a good one and will have a relaxing weekend!

Here are a couple of digital layouts that I've done the past few months.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes - that means a lot to me! It was a nice day. Just work and relaxing at home that evening! I couldn't have asked for more. :)
For those of you who know me, you know I love to read! I got an audio book the other day though and enjoy listening to it driving to & from work - someone talks to me and I don't have to talk back! :) I don't know that I could listen to a mystery or anything with detailed story lines, though.
I posted a new challenge on my scrapping blog: http://challengeu2.blogspot.com/. I hope you scrappers will stop by!
Have a great weekend, all!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

1,2,3,4 & a tag

Please press PAUSE on the "tunes" to the right before you watch this...
I love this song and when I saw the video - I liked it even more. It's nice to have a sweet video - no sex crap.

A tag from my blogging friend, Emily:
Go to the photos folder on your computer.
Go to the seventh folder of
Go to the seventh photo.
Put the seventh photo on your blog
along with a description.
Invite seven friends to join

These are my "babies" in November, 2004 (ages 11 and 9 months) - at Thanksgiving. I still can't believe how much they've grown!
I tag anyone who reads this.
5 days 'til Opening Day.... :D