Wednesday, April 01, 2009

1,2,3,4 & a tag

Please press PAUSE on the "tunes" to the right before you watch this...
I love this song and when I saw the video - I liked it even more. It's nice to have a sweet video - no sex crap.

A tag from my blogging friend, Emily:
Go to the photos folder on your computer.
Go to the seventh folder of
Go to the seventh photo.
Put the seventh photo on your blog
along with a description.
Invite seven friends to join

These are my "babies" in November, 2004 (ages 11 and 9 months) - at Thanksgiving. I still can't believe how much they've grown!
I tag anyone who reads this.
5 days 'til Opening Day.... :D


  1. What a FUN video!! That's just awesome! Love the tag too....I'll have to do that!

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Cool video Jen! It was so much fun to watch it and read the captions. Thanks.

    Also, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photo you posted of Ryan and Sara. They look like babies in that one!



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