Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Fun - storytime

Friday Fun today is a story about our DD.

We went to Six Flags last weekend - the weather was PERFECT, by the way!!!!!!!!  She & I were waiting to get on the carousel, at the end of the line. A group of obnoxious middle school boys got in line behind us. They started to slowly move past us in line and I nudged DD forward more.  As they let us on the ride, they elbowed past her and knocked her a little off balance. I almost said something but figured I would let it go, since she wasn't hurt. I'm following her to the horse she wanted, she passes two of the boys, and throws a shoulder and knocking them off balance but keeps walking like nothing happened.
I had to try SO hard to not laugh! The look on their faces was priceless. When we got done riding, I assured DH that he had no reason to worry about her holding her own. He just smiled when I told him what went down.

Lesson to you boys - - - don't mess with a little blonde girl!  She'll knock you down.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love it! What a sassy little girl!

  2. That is hilarious! Good for her! :o)

  3. Ha, ha!
    Gotta love a girl that isn't afraid to stick up for herself! :)

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Now that's funny!


  5. That is awesome! I love how she stood up for herself but was very lady like and subtle about it but yet got her point've taught her well :)

  6. That is SO cute! I hope Mia's got some attitude like this ;)


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