Tuesday, November 04, 2014

A small treat

Yesterday was a frustrating Monday morning at work. I felt like I had to fight everyone on getting stuff done and phone calls made. I think it was made more frustrating by the fact that I had had a wonderful weekend taking lots of photos and spending lots of time with Little Miss and my camera.

When a client called me at lunchtime to ask if I had an gotten an answer for him...I almost lost it. So, I decided to take the bull by the horns and go to the client myself. So, I took the papers, made up a little goodie bag (candy, crackers, water, etc) got in my van and drove out to the country. It was a beautiful day, so it didn't bother me to get out of the office for a bit.

I drove out to the field he was working in, parked and waited for him to get to the end of the field round. He signed what I needed him to, we visited a little bit then we both went back to work.

This daughter/granddaughter/great-granddaughter of farmers loved the smell of corn being harvested and the sound of all the machinery running. It was a little treat for me. I hope there are more harvest visits soon.


  1. Sometimes its good to get out of the box, so to speak :)

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Sometimes its great to get out and visit with the people you work with/for! Enjoy those moments.

  3. Sometimes it's good to get out :)

  4. It's always nice to get out! :)


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