Thursday, August 03, 2017


Hello friends!  I know it has been a long time since I posted. Not to make excuses, but life and work have been crazy the past month.

We are a month into our merger at work. It has been busy and stressful at times but we're making it through things, one day at a time.

I feel like all we have done for the past 4-5 weeks is work or run to the next thing to do. Between my work's summer conference; work; photography; weekend activities and life, I feel like the couple of empty days on the calendar have been for recharging (and I have been trying to "unplug" on days off). I am hoping we are on the "slowing down" side of life for a little while.

My Cubs didn't end the first half of the season very well. But since the All Star break it has been mostly smiles and "W"s. I hope that continues!

I haven't read as much as I would like to lately, but that's ok. PS: Make sure you stop by on Sunday for a peek at a new book that is out!

I am hoping to post more regularly again. I hope you will visit and leave me a comment!


1 comment:

  1. Take a breath!! Stress can make you crazy. Sometimes you just have to breathe.


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