Sunday, June 25, 2006

Just some pictures

It's been pretty "quiet" around here the last few days, so I thought I'd just post a few pictures to intro the most important people in my life....

This is my "rock". I love him with all my heart! He's a FABULOUS husband and father! We've had some hard times but we've worked them out and been stronger because of them.

He'll be 13 in 5 weeks and he's NOT letting us forget! We are currently planning a party - ssshhhh - it's a surprise with his friends. We'll see if we can pull it off. He got his cast off on Friday so he's looking forward to going back to karate.

She's 2 going on 20. She loves animals, Disney Princesses and Wizard of Oz.


  1. A 13 year old! Good luck :D
    Your daughter is the sweetest little thing! Hope I get to see you all in person someday!

  2. Love the posts and pictures! You have a BEAUTIFUL family! It's amazing how fast the time goes! Keep posting and Congratulations on the 1000th post on your blog, what talent and commitment!


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