Friday, June 29, 2007

I've been tagged!

by La! 7 random things about me:

1. I love chocolate and caramel
2. Books are my weakness - can't get enough
3. I wish everyday for an extra 2 hours in that day
4. I don't take bubble baths as much as I used to and miss them!
5. If I had the time, I would cook dinner every night
6. I still dream of being a writer - maybe someday that book will get finished...
7. My family is amazing!

Thanks, La!
Don't forget to ask your question in the previous post. :D

I tag: Latharia, Andie, Brianna, Alison and Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. I love your answers!!
    And they make us sound like we could be twins--
    I DO take at lesst two baths everyday (usually bubbles!!) You should just decide to take one everyday!! It's good for the soul!
    One day, maybe I'll get that novel done!
    Books..oh yeah!!
    And chocolate too!
    HAve a great night and weekend!!


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