Saturday, June 23, 2007


Yes, there will be more Wisconsin pictures coming... (sorry to bore you all...)

Work is going well. There has been some little drama but nothing that will ruin me. ;) I have a co-worker who can be a little difficult sometimes, but there's one everywhere you go.

Do I dare write this? Do I? I am afraid to jinx it. Nothing is concrete yet, but....
It looks like we're going to Hawaii for our anniversary in November. We talked about several places - Bahamas, Florida, California, Paris... Yes, Paris! DH was ready to take me and I was ready to say yes but I freaked at the last minute. So, it looks (at the moment) like it's Hawaii. I cross my fingers it will really happen.

DD is doing great with potty training - finally! All week she only had 2 accidents. So, we're off for some "big girl" shopping today.

We got registration for DS for the fall. UGH - high school will break us...

Other than this, not much is new. I hope you're all enjoying summer. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Hawaii!? How nice!! And congrats on DD;s accomplishments! Here in NY they don't have all those extra charges in high school- that would break so many people!

    Hope you are having a fabulous week!!



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