Wednesday, April 09, 2008


FInally...I looked at these. I took them the week after the shootings and have just now looked at them. It still makes me teary but I don't feel like a complete meltdown is coming on. These were the memorial boards that were signed from across the nation! It was amazing the love and support that were written on them.

The 5 crosses and Huskies that stood in the Commons and in front of Cole Hall.

We visited those 10 days after the shooting and against my better judgement, I ended up being interviewed and on TV. The memorials have been removed from campus now and our community is healing and has come together amazingly strong.


  1. wow... how amazing a tribute! Glad to hear that the community is healing now

  2. so glad the healing has started but the memory never forgotten

  3. I am so glad that the healing is continuing in the wake of this tragedy! Hang in there, Jen!

  4. Great shots - the archivists at NIU are busy working on material associated with the shooting and subsequent memorials and so forth.

    Tribune did an article on it here:,0,636059.story

    You could drop a line to Cindy Ditzler and link to your photos - The school may or may not be interested in adding them to the archive.


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