Monday, April 21, 2008

Quick catch up

Sorry I've been away so much. There seems to be tons going on and now that the weather is getting nicer, it's hard to sit at the computer at home.

DS had a karate tournament last weekend. He took a 1st and a 2nd. We're very proud of him! He works very hard at his karate. He's scheduled to test for his adult black belt this December.

My sis came out last week. We had lunch and a girls afternoon. It was very nice! I had a great time and hope to do it again soon. She taught me to knit. : )

We have had some very nice weather - I believe spring is finally here. I got some sewing done for DD this past weekend, with more to do.

The basement is nearing completion (ok, phase 1). The carpet is going in today. Then it's moving back in there...

I hope you are all well!

1 comment:

  1. Jen - post some pictures of your Home Remodeling Project. Give us some visuals so we can share in the excitement of your almost complete basement!


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