Sunday, July 20, 2008


We took a family evening last night and enjoyed a small piece of Americana - the drive in movie theater! :) We enjoy going and despite the HORRIBLE thunderstorm that came through, it was fun. We saw DARK KNIGHT and GET SMART (talk about opposites in movies).

DARK KNIGHT - better than BATMAN BEGINS! Joker was creepy. I am still having a hard time with Christian Bale as Batman, but.... Heath Ledger was a great Joker - not Jack Nicholson but he was really good!

GET SMART - Steve Carrell was fantastic! DH & I were rolling through most of the movie (despite the power loss that we sat through for 10 minutes and the thunder and lightening). Makes me want to watch the show...

I hope you're all having a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I HATE YOU!!! Not to dark knight are sold out until next weekend here

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Glad you got to see both movies, even though the weather wasn't ideal. We saw 'Get SMart' and thought it was pretty funny also.


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