Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A mother's embarassment....

WARNING/disclosure: For those of you with weak stomachs, you may want to pass on this one!

We went to the library last night, when DD loudly announced she needed to go poopy. (Remember, I work there a few nights a week) So, I take her into the bathroom. (Please bear in mind the bathrooms echo) So she finishes her business and loudly (again!) proclaims "Holy cow! That is the biggest piece of poop I have ever seen!" Knowing that you can sometimes hear what goes on in the bathroom when you walk by them, I prayed no one was there. BUT, you know that couldn't be the case....a couple of co-workers were snickering when we left.

4 year olds.....


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Hilarious! Absolutely hilarious!

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    All sass and class that one

  3. Oh my! How funny! Kids are great because they just don't care and just DO (and in this case SAY)!

  4. Yup! Four year olds keep you humble don't they?

  5. Hehe! Aw, Jen, she's such an angel...


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