Thursday, July 17, 2008

Turning the page....

Since we went on our vacation, I have been eating crap! Candy, cookies, junk! I have decided, that's enough!

This week, we started walking again - much to the protest of our joints. We got lots of fruits and veggies at the store this week. We have been eating salads, fruit for snacks, yogurt and a lot more water! It's amazing how much better I'm feeling in just a few days.

I do know that I'm weak right now and any support is greatly appreciated!

Hope you're having a good week.



  1. You can do it! Don't forget to drink your water!!!

  2. Anonymous3:58 AM

    First month is the hardest; stick with it and it'll feel like second nature sooner or later.

    At least that's what I'm hoping. ;)

  3. You can do it!! I felt the same way about a month ago or even a little less, I quit eating the doritios lol, and started drinking water, eating fresh foods, cutting my portions in half and have dropped 15 pounds so far. Amazing!!!! And no exercise so if I would not be so lazy and do that can you imagine! lol. Good luck!

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    You come by being a 'junkfoodoholic' honestly enough. I am one also. Lately, I've been trying to eat better and use my bicycle more and I am feeling better so I guess I'd better stick with that, right? Onward and upward!

  5. Keep going! Once you get through the first few weeks you start to look forward to walks...good luck!


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