Monday, December 12, 2011

The one with...

the crazy Sunday!

You know the days that you shouldn't get out of bed? Yeah! That was yesterday...

It started when our son woke up with a box of cereal in his bed. Confirming what we have been suspecting for about a year - he's a sleepwalker. He's been in strange places in the house in the morning and he's not sure how he gets there. Our concern is that he might leave the house and not know it... We are trying to figure out what 'safety features' we should put around the house to alert him and us that he's up and about.

So we went along in our morning. I made cookies and burned my hand a little. I knit on a Christmas gift until my hands hurt - but I swear that sucker is going to be done by Christmas!!!!!

We watch the pathetic end to the Bears game. It was agonizing and I'm not even a big football fan.

And the capper on the day? Our refrigerator leaked all over the kitchen. And I mean ALL over the kitchen! I heard a dripping so I went out to see where it was coming from and stepped in a puddle. I yelled for DS to grab some towels and DH came running too. He opened the fridge door and it was like Niagara Falls. We used EVERY towel/washcloth/absorbent thing in the house and wrung them out a couple of times. DH sucked up almost 10 gallons of water with the shop vac and we figured we wrung out probably about 2 gallons more. DH pulled the water filter out of the fridge and it had a HUGE crack in the back of it, culprit found! After over an hour of cleaning up water, wiping down everything in the fridge and watching the fridge with a careful eye - it was time to start washing all the towels we'd used. The positive of this....the fridge and kitchen floor are REALLY clean now and we were home when it happened!

As our son said at the end of the day, "You know it's going to be a bad day when you wake up with a strange box of cereal in your bed."

Oh...DD came home from her weekend at my in-laws and she had lost another tooth. She is really a toothless wonder!!!!!

Looking forward to a better week!


  1. Oh man! What a day!!! We had a massive leak issue early this year but it was the washing machine not the the fridge... I could not believe how many towels full of water we sucked up! And then we couldn't wash them til we got the new washer!

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I think that sounds like an awesome day. What kind of cereal was it? I like Lucky Charms and Golden Grahams.


  3. OMG! You day sounds worst than my Friday shopping day. :) So sorry all that craziness happened in one day. I never understand why stressful things happen in multiples. Geez! Hang in there and glad it is over, too.


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