Thursday, January 03, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013! 
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!  It was a joyful time at our house.

I did not do very well with my 2012 goals
*Read 100 books (COMPLETED!)
* Run a 5K
* Finish DS's afghan
* Complete scrapbooks for:
-Vegas    completed
* START covered bridge wall hanging quilt
* Do at least 1 photo shoot each month
* Day hike in at least 3 different state parks: Starved Rock State Park (3/31/12); Matthiessen State Park (3/31/12)

I'm hoping for a little better job at this in 2013. So I hope to accomplish:
*Read 65 books
*Run or walk 250 miles
*Start covered bridge wall hanging quilt
*Finish DS's afghan
*Knit 6 pairs of socks
*Spend more time doing things that I want to do (I know there's really no measure for this)

Our family had a good 2012 and we hope for another great year this year.
Hoping you & yours a healthy, prosperous 2013!


  1. I had a wonderful holiday too. Funny you posted about 2012 goals as I just took a class at Big Picture Classes called "I Choose". It's all about goal setting and she suggests setting monthly goals. That way at the end of the month if you didn't accomplish a goal, the slate is wiped clean and you get a fresh start and you can try the next month. Of course I haven't set any goals yet but I think my first goal will be to put my feet up in my new home LOL.

  2. Good luck with your goals for 2013!

  3. Anonymous4:06 PM

    You had a lot of lofty goals for 2012 and did pretty well working toward them. Good luck on the goals for 2013. I have yet to post a list for 2013, let alone choose a 'word' for this year.

  4. Good luck with your goals, Jen! I always notice the great Disney pages you pin. Hopefully they'll inspire you to work on the Disney album. :)

  5. You may not have accomplished ALL of your 2012 goals but you did some and that is great !! Here's hoping you reach your 2013 goals.


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