Friday, November 01, 2013

Friday Fun

(Where is this year going?!)
In my "about me", I promised the story behind this - here it is!
Mr. and I went to Vegas for our anniversary in 2008. One of the casinos we went to one evening had the Chippendales walking (ok - STRUTTING) around the casino floor, taking pictures with people (ok - WOMEN!). Mr. asked if I wanted to...ah - no thanks!  A little too much beauty and oil for my liking. Don't get me wrong, they were easy on the eyes but I enjoyed from a distance and with their pants on.
On our way out of the casino, we walked by this GIANT wall... My Mr. told me to "pose" with these dancers.
He still laughs when he see this picture. (Ok - I smile too...)
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee it!! And ummmmmmmmmmm I will confess!! I went to their show a few years ago with a couple of girlfriends (one of them was having their birthday) ... so I do have a pic with them! HA!!! :)

  2. Oh how fun and funny!!

  3. I love the photo! Better than the real guys because it is funny!

    I love how that one to your left looks like he is checking you out :)


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