Tuesday, September 09, 2014

A thing of the past?

It was announced yesterday that our local Barnes & Noble is going to close at the end of the year. That's very sad to me! This bookworm loves browsing through the books - there's a cozy smell in the shelves.

Are brick & mortar stores and shops becoming a thing of the past? Am I the only one who still likes to go in and smell, touch and hear the items I'm looking for? Don't get me wrong, I do some on line shopping but I still like to walk into a store.

It saddens me to think that these places are going out of business!

Do you still "go" shopping or do you do most of your shopping on line? Just curious (no judging either way!!!!)...


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Owning a Kindle makes most of that shopping online unless you are borrowing a book from the library or some other member. I do still love the feel of a 'real' book in my hands and frequent bookstores as much as I can. Unfortunately, I don't buy as many books as I used to. Your Dad and I are very sorry to see this store closing, as well.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Owning a Kindle makes most of that shopping online unless you are borrowing a book from the library or some other member. I do still love the feel of a 'real' book in my hands and frequent bookstores as much as I can. Unfortunately, I don't buy as many books as I used to. Your Dad and I are very sorry to see this store closing, as well.

  3. I love the idea of going into a store and shopping however sometimes the convenience of online shopping is nicer.

  4. I will admit I am 100% Kindle now .. but Brookie is still an avid reader and doesn't look to her Kindle for books ... she LOVES to go to B&N and buy new books!! :)

  5. I order everything online... but when I have the chance to go to a book store, I can get lost for hours. Downloading books to my Kindle (or even ordering physical books from Amazon) will never compare to browsing in person!

  6. Generally I shop online - it's faster, easier, and usually cheaper.
    There's a B&N near my place where I sometimes go and sit and read my ebooks. I'd be sad to see it go, too, even though I rarely spend money there (I like the library)


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