Sunday, September 28, 2014


Hello friends!

I want to post a little something about blogging.

I love my blogs. I love reading others' blogs.

BUT....I feel so pressued to try to blog so many days a week. Those bloggers who have a schedule for their posts and plan them ahead - I commend you! I wish I had the time for that.

Life gets messy sometimes and it needs my attention more than my blog does. My family will always come first, so if i don't post for a while, I'm probably just busy with life.  I work two jobs and have crazy schedules to juggle and still want to spend time with my three favorite people. Ya know?

I hope it doesn't make me "less" of a blogger if I don't have a schedule of posts and post when I feel like it...

I hope you will still stop by and check in. I check emails almost everyday, feel free to drop me a line.

Keep blogging!


  1. Family comes first!
    I am feeling the same way - for some dumb reason I decided that I needed to blog M-F and on the weekends if I felt like it this year. I'm rethinking that if I have a schedule of blogging a couple days a week it might be more fun and less like a job.

  2. It happens no need to stress about it. I blog late at night when I have nothing else to do and I can't sleep haha.

  3. Don't feel bad! I blog when I feel like it or have something to show for. Blogging is fun, so keep it fun, and don't stress out over it!

  4. I so feel you on this one.
    I'm a working mom of a toddler... my free time is pretty much non-existent so I blog when I can.
    we do our best... I say, that's good enough.

  5. I'm with you! It is so hard to keep up with it.

  6. I KNOW! I'm having a hard time keeping up, too. What can you do?!

  7. No worries, no stress. Anyone that blogs feels like they should be posting ALL the time and that there are people waiting for the next post. It's ok. I wish I blogged more but we have families and life struggles and triumphs. Like a family member who's sick or child's play that we wouldn't miss for the world, let alone to blog LOL. Or even laundry!
    No worries, no stress...lots of hugs :)


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