Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going well.

Here's a few things I'm loving this week:

Texts and emails from friends and family.

The Mr. encouraging me to take a photography class


Coffee and cookies for breakfast (not that I've done that...but I've "heard" about people who have)

Morning rides to Grandma's with Little Miss

What are YOU loving this week?


  1. Cookies & coffee for breakfast...I'll have that anytime! Tee hee!

    Mandie ~

  2. I'm a huge texter myself! I know a lot of people delete their texts, but I save mine. My friends and I have had some interesting conversations!! I like going back and reading them.


  3. MMMMM, sunshine!! Lucky I've had a couple of days of it here in Ohio. I'm a huge texter too and I was deleting some old ones and meant to delete one from a client for a showing that was from 2014 or something ridiculous. Anyway, I deleted a string of messages from brother (who passed away in 2013). UGH! So, I spent a good chunk of the day retrieving it...thank God for iCloud. I really am glad I put out the .99 a month for unlimited storage. But, enough about that. Love your WILW this week! :)


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