Wednesday, July 15, 2015


What I'm loving this Wednesday:

1. My photo blog (link is: HERE). I've gotten a few posts up this week of some recent photo shoots.

2. My friend Laura's book came out yesterday
I hope you'll buy a copy or get it from your library.

3. Had an awesome meeting with a fellow photog on Sunday - looking forward to shooting with her in the future. I feel very inspired!

4. Twitter (I didn't think I'd ever say that!). I have started using it for my photography promo and am getting some pretty awesome retweets and followers. (PS: my twitter handle is: cubsfan3410)

5. It's Wednesday!!!!!  Come on weekend.

6. Armchair traveling. Some of my fellow bloggers and Instagramers are taking some AMAZING vacations this summer!

What are you loving this Wednesday?


  1. Off to check out your friends book!!!!

  2. Armchair traveling, I like that & it's pretty cheap for the one doing that. Tee hee!

    So, how is your friend's book? Tell me about it. :)

    Mandie ~


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