Thursday, March 31, 2016

Taking Stock

Today, on the 42nd anniversary of my entrance to this world, I am "taking stock" of life.

Making:  I have many projects going (per the norm) right now. A couple of them: I am still working on a couple of scrapbooks; knitting a sock
Cooking: As little as possible - I'm not a good cook and I HATE our kitchen!
Drinking: Water and coffee

Reading: Sister Dear by Laura McNeill and hoping to dig into my stack of books on my nightstand
Wanting: Spring-like weather
Playing:  Photographer ;)

Listening: Podcasts - I'm really liking Thrilling Adventure Hour; Satellite Sisters and Serial
Wishing:  For another healthy year (and maybe a million dollars...)

Enjoying:  My kids making me laugh - even when they are hassling me
Liking:  Walks with my Mister, baseball starts in a few more days and the phone calls/emails I am getting for photography inquiries
Hoping:  We can find a new car this year

Needing:  I have what I need - love; family; friends; shelter; food
Thinking:  I wonder what my 42nd year will bring...

Feeling:  Content with life 
What about you? I'd love to hear what you are "taking stock" of.


  1. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Wishing you an amazing day. :)


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