Monday, March 28, 2016


This past weekend flew by - again! I took zero photos of ANYTHING! Sorry....

Saturday, I woke up with a killer headache. I popped a couple of Aleve and made it through my day at the library. It was in the mid-50s most of the day. My Mr. & I took a long walk after work, it seemed to help clear my head a little.  Then it was pizza for dinner.

Yesterday was a HAPPY EASTER day! It started out cloudy but relatively warm. We had brunch with my in-laws at a local restaurant. Then we watched the last Hunger Games movie with Little Miss (meh...). Then I edited some photos, read a book, napped and did as little as possible the rest of the day.

Oh, and I had a mini-freak out about starting my PPA (Professional Photographers Association) certification process.... There is SO much to learn and know! Not sure if this "old dog" can learn "new tricks" for this venture.

How was your weekend?

Linking up with B Loved Boston today


  1. I still need t osee the last hunger games movie! I wasn't overly in love with the book so I haven't been in a huge rush to see it haha.

  2. Sounds like you had a nice Easter! :) Hope you're Monday is going great.

  3. That sounds like a pretty nice weekend. I had a good weekend too. I had 2 friends in town and we went to see Miracles in Heaven (good but a little slow paced). Sunday, we went to sunrise service (nice - warm but overcast), then over to a friend's for Easter dinner.

    I have no doubt that you will do great on your PPA Certification.


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