2017 was a pretty good year at our house.
In January, a certain someone hit a milestone birthday (it wasn't me...) that begins with a 5 and ends with a 0.
In February, another someone hit a milestone birthday....
In March, my Mr. and I went to New York to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame
April brought regular season baseball. Mr. got me a ticket to Opening Night at Wrigley to celebrate the banner raising of the World Series Champions flag. Wet and awesome night!
In May, we went to St. Louis to watch the Cubs get beat by the Cardinals.
In June, Mr. and Young Miss went to Washington DC for a week. It was hotter than blazes (100+ everyday) but they saw quite a bit.
In July, Mr. & I went to see Sara Evans and take in a South Bend Cubs game
August 22, was a the complete solar eclipse. Mr. & Young Mr. traveled to the path of totality and enjoyed it.
August & September, brought a car repair that took the mechanics almost 2 months to figure out and fix. (I'm still pretty angry about it and haven't been able to post the whole tale here yet)
We visited Disney in October with some friends. It was a lot of fun!
November was our 20th anniversary and we took a few days to visit San Francisco
We are looking forward to our 2018 adventures.
I hope your 2017 was wonderful and wish you all a fantastic 2018!