Sunday, December 14, 2008


(said in my best Jimmy Stewart voice)

It was on last night and I got my husband to watch most of it with me. Sorry, I know it's kind of corny but I love it!!!!!!

And of course, what Christmas movie viewing is complete without:
"This here is a quality item, Clark!"

"I want a Red Ryder an official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time"

Merry Christmas and enjoy the movies!


  1. Our family tradition since "A Christmas Story" came out has been to watch it on Christmas eve. Me and my sister have it memorized! Our family affectionately refers to the movie as "Randy & Ralphie." Love it! Now we also watch Nat'l Lampoon...that makes me laugh out loud.

  2. laughing... How many times have all of us seen these movies combined?

  3. I LOVE the National Lampoon's Christmas movie. I watch it anytime it is on tv, I also have a copy of the DVD.

  4. Nothing like a good Christmas movie and most of the family reciting lines from it!


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