Friday, January 16, 2009

When did I sign up for this????

Do you ever wonder that? I don't usually - but today was a strange day for me (especially for a Friday)....

I have a co-worker who jumps on my last nerve. Today was a "silent treatment" day. I have no idea what I did but decided that I would just smile and realized it was better that way than when she has her "other" days....

Then, I walked to my desk this afternoon, where one of the guys was talking to a client and Mrs. Client asked if I had a piece of candy and I told her to help herself to the candy jar. Mrs. C said "No, in your mouth. Do you have one?" Me: "No I don't." Mrs C: "You must just have chubby cheeks." I know my jaw dropped for a second, then my hands balled into fists at which time I just sat down in my chair and pretended to do something on my computer. If I had opened my mouth, it would not have been pretty. When they left, the VP apologized and I just said "You didn't make her say it." She will have a long road to travel with me for that....

On a good note - we almost made it out of negative temps today. It sounds like maybe tomorrow - but snow. It's been a brutally cold week and I am ready for some warm and melting snow!!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Don't be upset, my little chipmunk - she'll get hers.

  2. Oh my! that's unfair! People are unreal sometimes....

    Stay warm!

  3. you know- I can totally relate to that. I once got offered a stripper job in the post office on my lunch break. The guy said I had nice boobs and gave me his card. Classy. Totally ruined the rest of my day!

  4. LOL...I love cheesepirate's comment. :D

    People are so weird!

  5. Anonymous7:18 AM

    People are very thoughtless and often say things before they think. Pay no attention to those kinds of people.


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