Sunday, April 03, 2011

Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, Day 7

Yes, I know I missed a couple of days this week. Sorry... Today's topic for Knitting & Crochet Blog Week2011 is:
Your knitting and crochet time.
I spend most of my crochet & knitting time in front of the TV. It's easy to work on a project while 'watching' a show or movie. If I have a smaller, simpler project - I'll take it to work on while at a tennis meet or ballet lessons.

I once (to the horror of my husband) took a baby blanket to breakfast at IHOP - hey, there was time while we waited to work on it... :)


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Ohh I'd be afraid to spill coffee on it or syrup. My family is in to nascar so we are going to a race in june and I told them I will be knitting during it

  2. I knit anywhere! I was standing in a queue waiting to get into an art gallery, and out came the knitting! Good use of time, I reckon!

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I've seen knitting/crocheting almost everywhere so I think it's fine to take it with you. We have a bus driver, at school, who drives to a lot of the sporting events. She always has her crocheting with her to help pass the time.

  4. *laughs at the horror of your husband* my boyfriend is pretty tolerant, but would have reacted the same way!


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