Friday, April 06, 2012


It's April! March literally flew by. Thanks to the anonymous "fan" who requested a new post and got me going again...

I had a nice day in Chicago with my mom and daughter last week. We went to American Girl Place as DD's Christmas/birthday gift from my mom & dad. I'm not sure if DD or mom had more fun! :) She got another doll and picked out a couple little things.

We had a nice day last Saturday. We went hiking at two of the state parks (2 of the 3 for my 2012 goal...). It was a cloudy, chilly morning. With the unseasonably warm weather, the nature was out and there were quite a few people on the trails. We had a picnic lunch in the van then the sun came out for our afternoon hike. (I'll post pictures soon!)

I've been busy sewing the past few weeks - lots of doll clothes to make... I've enjoyed it for the most part (don't get me started on the doll dress I'm working on now...) I'll try to get some pictures of the clothes up soon.

I'm still working through my 52 photos in 52 weeks project for this year. The Knit & Crochet Blog Week is coming up at the end of the month - so I plan to participate in that also.

I'll close for now and try to get pictures up soon!

Have a Happy Passover and/or Easter!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day with your dd and mom! I can't wait for Emmy to get a few years older and we'll be picking out an American Doll. I can't wait to see pictures!
    Have a wonderful Easter my friend!

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    It was a fun place and every girl (young and old) should see it! So much fun!

    Glad the hiking day was good.


  3. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I am your anonymous fan. :>) I like to read blogs on my lunch hour. Thanks for the entertainment!




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