Thursday, November 15, 2012


15 years ago, I said "I do" to my best friend!

We've been through a lot (what marriage hasn't?) in those 15 years, but I wouldn't change any of it! No, not even the bad stuff - we're stronger together because of it.

15 years ago last night, it started to snow as we got to our rehearsal dinner - pretty pictures tomorrow, right? [thinks the bride determined not to panic!] When I woke up the next morning, I found almost a foot of snow on the ground. I swore I wasn't going to panic! Alas, not panicking lasted until we went to decorate for the reception and to get our hair done when I realized just how crappy the roads were.  No one would come! Who would risk their life to attend our wedding? By the time We left for the ceremony, there was almost a foot and a half of snow and a very cold wind blowing.

Let me tell you who would risk their lives for us - our family and friends! It meant so much to us that EVERYONE who said they were coming, came. (Ok - except for my brother who ended up in the ditch and missed the ceremony - but we can laugh about it now.)

In 15 years, we have lived in 3 different houses (all in the same town); added to our family; traveled I don't know how many miles together; watched self-employment bloom; watched our son graduate high school and countless other "little" milestones. One of the many things I love about our relationship is, we still hold hands when we walk together - and I hope that never changes!

To those who helped us celebrate our wedding day and celebrate each of our anniversaries, THANK YOU! It means so much!


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Congratulations! Love the photo!

  2. What a beautiful post!
    My husband and I were married 15 years in October :)

  3. Happy, happy anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary! What a funny story about the snow-glad you can all laugh about it now!

  5. That is SO awesome that people still came!! What a scary thing in the moment...but a beautiful memory!!

  6. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Happy Anniversary!!!!

  7. Awww! Congratulations on 15 years together!! Here's to another 15!

  8. Congrats Jen what a great milestone.

  9. Wow! 15 years! That is absolutely amazing...congrats!


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